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SWEDBANK | TS781W | WindShield Distanču Slēpošanas Bikses SIEVIEŠU | MELNAS

SWEDBANK | TS781W | WindShield Distanču Slēpošanas Bikses SIEVIEŠU | MELNAS

Regular price €112,00 EUR
Regular price €95,00 EUR Sale price €112,00 EUR
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Taxes included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

TRUE STORY WindShield Distanču Slēpošanas Bikses ir veidotas no augstākās kvalitātes Windstopper auduma, kurš bloķē vēju, aiztur mitrumu un tajā pašā laikā ir elpojošs. Šim materiālam ir lieliskas stiepšanās īpašības kā arī mīksts, flīsam līdzīgs slānis iekšpusē, kas nodrošina papidus siltā gaisa slāni starp materiāla ārpusi un ķermeni. Bikšu aizmugure ir veidota no staipīga lycra auduma ECONYL, kurš ir ļoti izturīgs un nodrošina papildus kustību amplitūdu. Modelis ir izstrādāts specifiski distanču slēpošanai, tajā pašā laikā ir piemērots arī citām aktivitātēm aukstos laika apstākļos. Biksēm ir ergonomiski veidota ceļu daļa. Kāju sānos atrodas pilna garuma rāvējslēdzēji bikšu vieglākai uzvilkšanai un novilkšanai kā arī atstarotāji, kas rūpējas par drošibu diennakts tumšajā laikā. Labajā pusē iestrādāta kabata ar rāvējslēdzēju.

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How to choose fitting options?

We offer two fitting options for most of our products. We have called those SLIM FIT and REGULAR FIT. Simply choose your preferred option from drop down list at the product view. You can determine correct fitting by using our size guides found in the link below product information. Feature is set to SLIM FIT option by default.

How to choose individual sizing adjustments?

We offer individual sizing adjustments for most of our products. Type of adjustments depend on product type (for example: +/- 5cm for shirts and tights). Simply choose your preferred option from drop down list at the product view and upcharge will be automatically added to product price. You can determine whether you need sizing adjustments by using our size guides found in the link below product information. Feature is set to STANDARD option by default.

How to place an order?

Start by choosing product, size and amount. Follow with fitting options, individual sizing adjustments if needed and click ADD TO CART button. Item will be aded to your cart and you can go to check out in next step or continue shopping. You will have to enterdelivery address and payment details at the checkout. You can still update item count and size in the next step.

When will my order be shipped?

All club items are made to order.  We offer two default options for club online shops. ALWAYS OPEN (AO) option and TIME WINDOW (TW) option. ForALWAYS OPEN option production starts at the moment order is placed and production time is 10-14 working days. ForTIME WINDOW option all orders are produced in one batch once the shop is closed and production takes 4-5 weeks. Therefore the final time of delivery depends on shop type, individual conditions, size of the order, destination of consignment and delivery method. You can read more about delivery conditionsHERE.